TU Closed Dec 23-Jan 3 | TU Cerrado 23 dic -3 enero GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!

No Debt, No Evictions

In response to community pressure, Governor Jay Inlsee extended the statewide emergency eviction moratorium until March 31st, 2020. Although this is a step in the right direction, the moratorium extension does not protect our communities from crushing housing debt, violent displacement, and ongoing racist and predatory evictions and gentrification.

Blue fist

In days, the emergency eviction moratorium will expire and without bold action, Governor Jay Inslee will be unleashing a mass wave of catastrophic evictions, foreclosures, and housing debt in Washington. In June alone, over 247,000 renters were not able to pay rent and collectively accumulated millions of dollars of debt. To protect Washingtonians’ health during a global pandemic, we must fight to ensure all our neighbors are able to stay sheltered and emerge without insurmountable debt. That is why the Tenants Union and Be:Seattle, along with our coalition partners, are calling on Governor Inslee to Cancel Rent and Mortgages Washington!

This fight is responding to a housing instability crisis that the pandemic exacerbated but has been brewing for decades. The call to Cancel Rent and Mortgages WA is part of a national movement calling for the cancelation of rent, mortgages, utilities and all related debt for the duration of this crisis. We are not going to give up on our neighbors and we will not allow for the legacy of racist and predatory evictions and gentrification to continue in the shadow of COVID-19!

That is why we need you to join us in demanding that Governor Inslee and our Washington state representatives enact the following key policies:


Enact Moratorium on Evictions, Foreclosures, Sweeps for 2 years after the declared state of emergency!


Cancel All Rent, Mortgages,
Late Fees, and Housing Debt


Pass Just Cause
Eviction Protections!


Ongoing Demands
for Housing Justice

[email protected]  ·  Image credit Daniela Casalino