TU Closed Dec 23-Jan 3 | TU Cerrado 23 dic -3 enero GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!

Get Help

The Tenants Rights Hotline offers trained non-attorney Tenant Counselors via free phone counseling services to assist people with questions about landlord-tenant laws and discuss strategies to prevent housing loss.

Tenants in Washington have no governmental agency to rely on to enforce their rights. Landlord-tenant laws in Washington State are considered “self help” — it is up to individual tenants to enforce their rights.

Call us for information to understand your rights and take action to resolve housing problems. We can provide interpreters.

Tenants Union staff are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice.

What to expect from the Tenants Union’s Education Program

Tenant counselors can:

  • Give you information on landlord-tenant laws in Washington State and how to use them
  • Refer you to community resources and legal assistance
  • Tell you how to protect yourself by documenting your communication with your landlord
  • Give you the tools and information you need to solve housing problems

Tenant counselors cannot:

  • Give any legal advice or tell you what you should do in a particular situation
  • Write letters for you or communicate with your landlord on your behalf
  • Provide ongoing services after hotline hours are closed
  • Know or anticipate what your landlord might do
  • Guarantee any particular outcome to your situation

Please be patient. We have a small and dedicated team working to serve the State of Washington’s 1,067,763+ renters.

Tenant Rights Hotline
(206) 723-0500
All languages*
Monday 10am-12:30pm &
Wednesday 10am-12:30pm
Friday 1:30-4pm
Tuesday & Thursday CLOSED
Miércoles 1:30-4pm
Viernes 10am-12:30pm
Martes & Miércoles CERRADO

*Interpretation is available in most languages.

We are closed: New Years Day, MLK, Jr. Day, Presidents Day, International Worker’s Day / May Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and day after, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve

If you have a question about your rights as a tenant, you may also call the CLEAR Line Legal Help at 888-201-1014, or the Solid Ground Tenant Services at 206-694-6767.

For a more complete list of assistance for tenants, see Renters Resources.