GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!

The Tenants Union can occasionally provide educational workshops for groups seeking resources or information about tenant rights, how to organize a tenant association, or other organizing and advocacy skills.

Because the TU does so much work with a very small amount of time and resources, we have limited availability and will consider workshop requests on a case-by-case basis.

To request a workshop for your building or organization, please contact us at 206-722-6848 ext. 103, or [email protected]. We cannot provide individual tenant counseling during this request contact. To receive tenant rights counseling please contact our Education Program

When you request a workshop, please be ready to answer the following questions via intake form or cut and past the questions into an email message and send to info (at) tenantsunion (dot) org. We will use this information to see if a TU workshop is the right fit:

Please fill out the form below to answer the following questions.

Workshop Intake Form

  • Please introduce yourself: Who are you, and what’s your connection to the building or organization requesting the workshop?
  • What: What’s the nature and severity of the issue? What’s the goal and purpose for the workshop? Is a group workshop what is needed, or is this an individual tenant rights counseling concern?
  • Where: Where would the workshop take place?
  • When: What is the urgency of the issue and the timeline needed for a workshop?
  • Who: Who is impacted? (The TU works to prioritize workshops for tenants who don’t traditionally have access to services or who are most likely to lose housing or experience substandard housing conditions: people of color, women, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, people with arrest and conviction records, people who have experienced homelessness, and seniors.) What are the goals of the tenants or workshop participants? How many tenants would likely come? Is there a resident or tenant leader who will invite others to attend? Do the participants require interpretation, and in what languages?
  • Compensation: Is there any funding available for this workshop? (Especially for organizations with a budget: can your organization provide compensation for the workshop?)