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June 6, 2013

Come Support Job Assistance Legislation Today at 2pm!

The Seattle City Council Public Safety Committee will vote today to give people with a criminal record who are looking for work a foot in the door. The proposed ordinance requires an employer to look at the whole person when making a hiring decision, not just at their worst mistake. A good job reduces the chance that someone will commit future crimes which makes our communities safer, and better assures a tenant’s ability to have an sufficient income to make rent. The Job Assistance Legislation gives everyone a second chance and promotes public safety.

Business interests who oppose the legislation are bombarding the City Council with emails and letters. The City Council needs to see and hear from anyone who believes in second chances. Make your voice heard!

The Council Public Safety Committee will consider the legislation TODAY Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 2PM

Where: Seattle City Council Chambers
600 4th Ave.,- 2nd Floor.
Seattle, WA

Please come to testify or stand in support!

You can also send letters of support to: [email protected]

To read more on the JAL visit: http://www.seattle.gov/council/harrell/job_assistance_leg.htm.