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June 8, 2013

Contact Seattle City Council to End Job Discrimination in Seattle!

The Seattle City Council will vote Monday June 10th whether to give people with a criminal record who are looking for work a fair shot. The proposed ordinance requires an employer to look at the whole person when making a hiring decision, not just at their worst mistake. A good job reduces the chance that someone will commit future crimes which makes our communities safer. The Job Assistance Legislation gives everyone a second chance and promotes public safety. If people cannot work, they face eviction and homelessness.

Business interests who oppose the legislation are bombarding the City Council with emails and letters. The City Council needs to see and hear from anyone who believes in second chances. Make your voice heard!

Email City Council Members at [email protected] with the following message:

RE: Support Job Assistance Legislation!


Dear Seattle City Council:

Thank you for considering Council Member Harrell’s Jobs Assistance legislation that passed out of the Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology subcommittee. I strongly support this legislation.

This legislation affirms the idea that those of us who have paid our debt to society should have a chance to turn our lives around. It continues the hard work Seattle has done to address racial inequities in the criminal justice system– particularly the disproportionate arrest, prosecution and incarceration of people of color.

This legislation provides employers flexibility and guidance to fairly and effectively conduct background checks where appropriate while giving people a chance to present their qualifications before a background check is considered. Under this legislation, employers and applicants will know when and how an applicant’s criminal history can be considered.

As you know, when someone is employed they are less likely to engage in criminal conduct again. This legislation helps make our communities safer by removing barriers to employment by people who have a criminal history.

My experience with this issue is: (enter your personal story including jobs applied for, not hired or interviewed, how long ago your record was or if you were a juvenile or a veteran or your experience as an advocate or your organizations interest in the issue, if relevant)

Please vote in favor of this legislation on Monday so we have safer and more vibrant communities.


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