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July 29, 2017

Edna Thornton battles SHA

Edna Thornton’s Story

The hits keep coming with Seattle Housing Authority.
On July 6, 2017 Edna Thornton walked into our clinic and was so overwhelmed with sadness that we had to console her. She shared with our Tenant Counselor that she was facing eviction from Seattle Housing Authority. Her family had gone through recently domestic violence, and her teenage child was going through his own issues lashing out after being bullied in school and getting into trouble. Edna has been diagnosed with many different mental issues and her son was also diagnosed with ADHD. She has lived as a SHA resident for 12 years and knows firsthand what it feels like to be homeless. Edna said that she lives in fear every day of being evicted.
The month of July has been the hardest for her, facing unexpected expenses and eviction. The amazing support agencies POCAAN (People of Color Against Aids Network) & Urban League have stepped up to help Edna with rent and all of her other needs, but when she contacted her property manager to pay her rent the manager told her, “We will not accept your rent and we will go through with the eviction.” What? Seattle Housing Authority is supposed to exist to serve the poor, to serve low-income communities with housing. Have we reached out to Mr. Andrew Lofton regarding these issues? Yes, twice. His Administrative Assistant Kimberly said that she will take care of it at her level, never giving the phone to Mr. Lofton.
SHA has summoned Edna to court on August 9, 2017 at 9:00 am, W325. We are putting out the call to all advocates, SHA tenants, and whoever would like to join us at court with Edna. We want not one more family on the streets!
Edna is a single mother who has also done her part in getting help for her family. She and her family met with counselors 3 times a week, her son meets one on one with his own counselor, and Edna is taking steps in getting help to live a better life for her 2 children and her 3 month old granddaughter. We wish we could tell you that Edna’s story is unique, but it is not. Residents are being pushed out of Seattle and our hope is Edna is not one of them.

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#saveednathorntoshome #notonemorefamilyonthestreets #shaaddingtothehomelessstyle="color:red;">