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October 20, 2017

Tonight! People's Budget 2017 - Stop the Sweeps! Fund Housing & Services

People’s Budget 2017 – Stop the Sweeps! Fund Housing & Services

10/19/2017 at 6pm
Seattle City Hall

The Seattle City budget is a moral document that reveals the values of our city’s elected officials. So we know what it means when they pass a business-as-usual budget year after year: wasting millions on inhumane and ineffective sweeps of homeless people while catering to the interests of big business and a bloated budget for the police department.

We can stop this! By building a strong People’s Budget movement, we can:

*Stop the sweeps of homeless community members. *Fund social services for everyone’s safety and health, as an alternative to sweeps. *Fund services for homeless children in Seattle Public Schools and for survivors of domestic violence ans sexual abuse. *Urgently build more affordable housing.

Through our annual People’s Budget movement, we have already won important victories, such as City-authorized safe homeless encampments with funded services for the first time in the city’s history, $29 million for affordable housing, and funding for humane alternatives to incarceration.

Join the People’s Budget movement! Let’s Stop the Sweeps and win millions toward affordable housing and services! Let’s lay the basis for a future budget that truly serves the needs of ordinary people and not those of big business and the super rich.