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November 2, 2017

Take Action for Seattle Tenants!

Take Action for Seattle Tenants!

Budgets are boring for a reason – to keep us from paying attention! But we can’t let that stop us from making our voices heard. The Seattle City Council is currently making 2018 budget decisions. We’re grateful that the Council continues to express support for renters, but we need more. Please take action this week to ensure the Council listens to and supports the renters who make up 54% of its population.

Here at the Tenants Union we are on track to serve more than 2,000 renters this year in Seattle alone. But we’re still not able to help every Seattle tenant trying to access our programs. We’re excited at the prospect of funding more tenant outreach, but we still aren’t able to help every tenant who comes to our door. Please tell your councilmembers seattle tenants need more than $200k to truly support renter services and outreach in our city.

Here’s how you can support:
Call AND email your councilmembers! Everyone in Seattle city limits is represented by a district council member as well as at-large councilmembers Kirsten Harris-Talley and Lorena González. Find your district here!
Sample script: “Hi I’m a Seattle renter and I’m calling to thank you for supporting more tenant outreach and education but to urge you to find more than $200,000 for this important work. I’ve used the help of the Tenants Union but I know not every renter is able to get into their clinics. Please help them expand their programs and share their expertise with more Seattle renters. We are a majority in this city and we’re tired of being overlooked. Can I count on your support of Seattle tenants?”

Contact info:
[email protected] will go to all the council members

CM Debora Juarez – 206-684-8805
[email protected]

CM Lorena Gonzalez 206-684-8802
[email protected]

CM Bruce Harrell – 206-684-8804
[email protected]

CM Rob Johnson – 206-684-8808
[email protected]

CM Lisa Herbold
[email protected]

CM Sally Bagshaw – 206-684-8801
[email protected]

CM Kshama Sawant – 206-684-8016
[email protected]

CM Mike O’Brien – 206-684-8800
[email protected]

CM Kirsten Harris-Talley – 206-684-8806
[email protected]