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March 13, 2014

Tenants Picket Goodman Real Estate to Stop Displacement

Tenants of the Theodora Rescue Committee, and Lockhaven Tenants Union organized together with allies to picket GRE headquarters to demand they stop their predatory acquisitions of affordable housing in Seattle.

The Tenants Union is deep into a committed campaign to resist the growing wave of gentrification sweeping Seattle and cities across the US by supporting the courageous organizing of tenants in two buildings. Over the past six months, the Lockhaven Tenants Union and the Theodora Rescue Committee, led by tenant leaders at the Lockhaven Apartments in Ballard and the Theodora Apartments in Ravenna, have been organizing to keep their homes affordable in the face of imminent eviction and rent increases. Both buildings are being targeted by the multi-billion dollar Seattle development corporation, Goodman Real Estate (GRE). GRE’s business is predatory development: buying historic affordable housing, making cosmetic renovations to convert tenants’ modest homes to luxury apartments, raising the rent, and displacing hundreds of low and moderate-income tenants.

Media Coverage

KING 5 News: Tenants at Ravenna’s Theodora Apartments face same fate as Lockhaven’s
KOMO News: Theodora residents fight to save low-income housing in Ravenna
KUOW’s The Record: Tenants Picket Goodman Real Estate
Ballard News Tribune: Protesters rally against Goodman Real Estate

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