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April 8, 2005

Victory: Relocation Assistance Passes the House!

On April 7th, the State House of Representatives passed our Relocation Assistance Bill by a vote of 84 – 12! This is a major victory for tenants in Washington State. More about the Relocation Assistance bill.

Big thank yous go out to all of the tenant activists who called their representatives and helped get this important bill passed. Special thanks are due to the tenant leaders who testified in Olympia about the importance of this bill, and to the elected officials who sponsored the legislation and otherwise stood up for tenants throughout the process.

There are several steps still ahead, but it looks highly likely that this bill will become law this session. Congratulations to all on this great victory for tenants!

We made the papers: the April 8th edition of The Olympian reports on the House vote, quoting sponsor Rep. Sam Hunt that the bill helps “people who’ve been taken advantage of by bad slumlords.”