TU Closed Dec 23-Jan 3 | TU Cerrado 23 dic -3 enero GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!
December 19, 2012

Watch the TU’s New Video Celebrating Tenant Power and Make a Gift to the TU Today

Enjoy this video of the dynamic stories and leadership of TU members, and please support YOUR Tenants Union by making a year-end gift.

May 11, 2012

Transit Oriented Development that is Healthy, Green & Just

Please join our ally organization Puget Sound Sage in the release of their new report "Transit Oriented Development that is Healthy, Green & Just."

February 22, 2012

Welcome to the Tenants Union’s website. Support the TU’s growth in 2012!

This website is a one-stop-shop for information, referral, and action opportunities and is packed with essential information and resources for Washington State renters. Click here to find out more and support the work of the Tenants Union.

December 7, 2011

Is your Seattle rental home unsafe or unhealthy? Work with the TU to do something about it!

The City of Seattle is finalizing a pro-active rental housing inspection ordinance that would improve the health and safety of all rental units in Seattle.

December 7, 2011

Is your Seattle rental home unsafe or unhealthy? Work with the TU to do something about it!

The City of Seattle is finalizing a pro-active rental housing inspection ordinance that would improve the health and safety of all rental units in Seattle.

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