GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!
July 30, 2013

Join the TU at our Summer BBQ!

Meet and eat with members of the Tenants Union and Got Green and be the first to get a free copy of the Healthy Housing in Rainier Valley education handbook!

July 26, 2013

Which Seattle Mayoral Candidates are Pro-Tenant?

We collected questions from tenants, TU members, and our Board of Directors and sent surveys to all of the Seattle Mayoral Candidates to learn their positions on the tenants' issues. If you haven't decided who to vote for, learn each candidates position on tenants' rights! Click here for the full details.

June 8, 2013

Contact Seattle City Council to End Job Discrimination in Seattle!

Tenants need to have a fair shot at employment opportunities in order to have housing stability, write to the Seattle City Council before Monday (June 10th) to pass the Jobs Assistance Legislation!

June 6, 2013

Come Support Job Assistance Legislation Today at 2pm!

Tenants need to have a fair shot at employment opportunities in order to have housing stability, write or show up at Seattle City Hall today at 2pm to support the Jobs Assistance ordinance!

May 15, 2013

Have You Gotten Help from the Tenants Union? Make a donation TODAY and it will be increased!

If you have gotten help from the TU, please take a moment to make a gift through GiveBIG today and it will be increased by the Seattle Foundation! The TU is working to build power with renters all over the state and has been providing tenant education, organizing, and advocacy for over 35 years. Click on the yellow "Donate Now" button above. Thank you!

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