TU Closed Dec 23-Jan 3 | TU Cerrado 23 dic -3 enero GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!

Changes to Tenant Screenings

See within to see the changes to the application process and security deposit return.

April 27, 2016

The Eviction Economy

Read within for articles relating to what Matthew Desmond has dubbed 'The Eviction Economy'.

April 1, 2016

Legislature Misses Opportunity to Address Statewide Homelessness Crisis

Disappointing Budget Results for Affordable Housing and Homelessness - Read within for commentary from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

March 17, 2016

Outside City Hall: Homelessness - City leaders ignore root cause

Read about the history of affordable housing in Seattle from 1980 to now.

October 28, 2015

UPDATE: Increased Funding for Tenant Education!

Each year, City Councils around the state decide their budgets and which causes to further. This year, the City *DOUBLED* our education budget! Thank you to all who advocated for this necessary service.

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