GiveBIG to the Tenants Union Today!
July 7, 2017

Rising Complaints against SHA from Tenants

Residents living in Seattle Housing Authority units have been filing an increasing amount of complaints and the TU is holding a meeting on 7/13 to discuss

April 21, 2017

Support the Green-a-thon!

There's three ways to help us support Got Green's crucial efforts to create a more just world!

March 25, 2017

Spokane Source of Income Discrimination Protections!

Spokane is poised to protect tenants from source of income discrimination. Come support this important inclusion to the Spokane Municipal Code!

March 17, 2017

Statement from the ED on Spokane Hate Crime

Executive Director Jessa Lewis makes a statement regarding the appalling hate crime on the building our Spokane office calls home.

November 8, 2016

Press Release: Renton Families Safe From Immediate Displacement

On Friday, November 4, representatives of two Renton apartment complexes withdrew their original notices requiring dozens of Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)-holders to vacate their units.

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